Georgia’s deepwater ports in Savannah and Brunswick, together with inland barge operations in Bainbridge and Columbus, are Georgia’s gateways to the world.
As one of the state’s largest public employers, the Georgia Ports Authority directly employs almost 1,000 trained logistics professionals. The GPA, however, is responsible for generating far more employment throughout the state. GPA operations, together with private sector, port-related operations, account for more than 352,146 jobs statewide, $66.9 billion of dollars in revenue, and income exceeding $18.5 billion annually.
The Port of Savannah, home to the largest single-terminal container facility of its kind in North America, is comprised of two modern, deepwater terminals: Garden City Terminal and Ocean Terminal. Together, these facilities exemplify the GPA’s exacting standards of efficiency and productivity. Garden City Terminal is the fourth busiest container handling facilities in the United States, encompassing more than 1,200 acres and moving millions of tons of containerized cargo annually.
*Information from Georgia Ports Authority
Georgia Ports Authority
2 Main Street
Garden City, GA 31408
(912) 964-3811